historical period: the slave trade started in 1471 when the Portuguese invaded Africa but it continued throughout the centuries until 1807 when trading slaves became illegal.
areas and countries involved in the trade: USA, England, Africa, France, Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands
important dates: 1807-the slave trade became illegal, 1471-the Portuguese invaded Africa, 1500-the trade began, 1773-suppression of the Jesuits
consequences in Africa: social balance is disrupted, confusion and conflicts between different ethnic groups, pronounced political instabilities, violent demographic impact, loss of workforce because slaves were usually young (between 16 and 25 years old)
1. Historical period: we are in the 18th century, when the slave trade is a widespread phenomenon.
2. African slaves land in the English, Spanish and Portuguese colonies. This route is made by French, English, Portuguese and Dutch
3. The crucial dates are: 1500>When the Portuguese arrive, they enter the premises in warehouses; later, in the 8th century, they became prisons;1680-1780> there are 15 million deaths among men, women and children;1773> the Jesuits were dissolved by the Church, this 'utlima had taken a neutral position;1807> The slave trade was declared illegitimate
4. The consequences of this situation were:-internal social imbalance, which has confused relations between local ethnic groups-white men breaking into the black continent -violent demographic impact: tribal balances change, accentuating political instability
5.The consequences of the historical event were that blacks continued to be discriminated against and trafficking continued to be a source of enrichment.
1. HISTORICAL TIMES: Ancient history, Middle Age, Reinassance, Age of Enlightenment, First Industrial Revolution, French Revolution, Restoration and Colonialism.
Europa, Americas = North, Central, South; Asia = Arabian Peninsula; Africa = Gulf of Guinea.
UK, Mauretania, France, Spain, Portugal, Holland, Somalia.
IX century A.D. = Zang’s Revolution
1492 = Discover of America
1500 = starts the Slave Trade
1754 = John Cary pubblicies his book History of United Kingdom’s Trade
1769 = maximun expansion of Slave Trade
1773 = the order of Jesuits are dispanded by the Vatican
1807 = abolition of slavery in Uk
1980 = in Mauretania’s territories is abolited the slavery
• tribal and political conflictes increased and they’ve continued until today
• social conflictes have an impact until these days = badly richness and power distribution between the people = they can’t establish their own democratic country, in fact more often this type of countries are led by a military-dictator or a spiritual guide
• backwardness of African mainland = during the Colonialism didn’t take modernism in the colonial areas and, today these countries have weak Economic plans
• the USA are a result of an indipendece war from Uk = USA were one of its colony
• althought they were born as a free country and they still are one of the most free counties of the world = they are the most racist country
• their wealthness = a lot of slaves = manpower, especially in the American South Countries, where there were big plantations
• a civil war between North and South was caused by racism and slavery → North American Countries = against slavery manpower, South American Countries = pro slavery manpower → the American Civil war winners were the North Countries = abolition of slavery = white men had and still today have more rights of black men = however racism continues to exist
1)we know that the slave trade began as early as Ancient Greece, and occurred over the centuries until the early 1800s. Slaves deported to America were 14/20 million. 2) the geographic areas that contributed most to trafficking were France, North America, England, Spain, Portugal and Holland and the slaves frequently were of African and Eastern origin.
3) 1,500 Portuguese warehouses are filled by black people. 1769 in America the slave trade spreads About 1800 The Church takes note of the slave trade 1807 England declares illegitimate towards the slave trade.
4) The African social balance was broken because of the white population, and still suffers today.
5)America was born out of a war of independence, anti-colonial, founder of modern democracy and supporter of human rights, but despite this they supported the slave trade.
1. The historical period of slave trade began in the 16th century and and ended in the 19th century
2. The geographic areas concerned were Africa, Portugal, Spain, France, England, Holland and North and South America
3. Crucial dates:
• 1807, when trafficking was banned by the British government
• 1861, American civil war
• 1980, definitive abolition of slave trade
4. The consequences in Africa due to the slave trade were a decimation of populations, depletion of raw materials and destruction of tribal balances. Also there was a loss of workforce
5. Consequences of historical misunderstanding was that black people continue to be discriminated and the slave trade was used for enrichment
The historical period of the slave trade began in 1500 and ended in 1807 the geographical areas mainly concerned 3 countinents: Europe. Africa and North America while the most interested colonizing countries were: England, Portugal, Spain, Holland and France There are 4 important dates in this time frame: 1471: The Portuguese arrived in Africa for trade
1500 The slave trade begins
1770 Diderot wrote the first book on the slave trade
1807 England passed a law that declared slavery illegal.
The consequences of this period in Africa were consumption of materials, the alterations of the tribal balance, the lack of evolution societies the Joss of the workforce and colonialism.
The effects on America were the change in the principles of freedom and independence for all. In fact. it supported the exploitation of slaves which led the war of indipendence 1861
With the discovery of America colonialism begins and it is in this period that the trading of slaves
increases so much that in 1500 begins the so-called slave trade.
Between 600-700 is the full period of the slave trade.
During the 16th to the 18th centuries was“the peak slave- trade era.”
2. Slaves were sold by African states (from the Kingdom of the Congo and by states that overlooked the
Gulf of Guinea) to Western European merchants and then deported to the American continent.
Black slaves were taken from Africa and then brought to various European countries such as England
France Spain Portugal Holland or landed in North America (English colonies) or South America (Spanish
and Portuguese colonies).
The main European colonial powers were Spain, Portugal, England, France, the Netherlands.
One of the English cities that mostly imported slaves was Liverpool while one of the French cities was
A trade triangle is created between Europe, Africa and America.
3. 1471 the Portuguese arrived in Africa to trade gold and ivory.
In the 18th century the ships of the colonial powers sailed African waters to reach India.
1500 the slave trade begins
600-700 period of maximum operation of the slaves' trade.
1773 the religious group of the Jesuits is dissolved
1807 England defines trafficking as illegal, the first law prohibiting the slave trade.
1861 civil war breaks out in America.
4. The slave trade has produced serious consequences for Africa. First of all it broke the internal social
balance and confused the relations between the black ethnic groups. The invasion of white peoples on the
continent has altered African reality. Due to a violent demographic impact, tribal balances have changed,
complicating existing conflicts and accentuating internal political instabilities
Another consequence of the slave trade is the lack of evolution of some African societies, in fact in the
African continent there are still very backward human islands today.The slaves who were captured in
Africa were very young between the ages of 16-25 so Africa lost much of the workforce.
This trafficking prevented the stabilization between the various African states that could have occurred
between the weak and the strong. And so every balance was broken at the beginning. The colonization of
Africa reduced the whole state into slavery. Consequence that Africa continues to pay today.
5. The historical misconception on which we should reflect is that if we are in modernity today it is thanks
to the slave trade. The USA was born out of a revolution, an anti-colonial war of independence but
slavery remained stable in the United States especially in the southern states.
This will determine 65 years after a civil war. So America, that born on political and philosophical
principles of freedom and independence, rests on the misunderstanding of the presence of black slave
The USA is the most racist country in the world because discrimination against black people still occurs
today. Furthermore, the industrial revolution in the world is a revolution on textile machines, that is, machines more, the industrial revolution in the world is a revolution on textile machines, that is, machines
that used cotton collected from slaves and therefore cheap because they were collected by free labor.
The modern industrial world rests on the slave trade politically and economically.
In addition, in the past, the presence in the southern states of blacks gave the South American ruling class
a touch of aristocraticity; the richest in the south was who had more slaves on the plantations therefore
these slaves which were a negative symbol became a positive symbol on a social level.
1- Historical period: between the XVI and the XIX century.
2- The geographical areas and countries involved in the slave trade were England, Spain, Portugal, Holland, France, Africa and North and South America.
3- Crucial dates: the slave trade began around 1500, in 1807 the law abolished the slave trade in England, in 1861 there was the American civil war between the northern United States and the southern United States, in 1980 the slave trade was abolished worldwide.
4- Consequences in Africa: there was many wars and deaths that resulted in depopulation, resources of important materials such as gold and iron ran out, tribal balances were destroyed and there was a loss of workforce.
5- Consequences of the historical misunderstanding (USA): black people continued to be discriminated and the slave trade was used for economical reasons and enrichments.
The slave trade began in 1500 but in this video are dealt the XVIII and XIX centuries. During that time there were Portugal, Holland, France, Spain and England as colonizing countries and North America and South Africa ( with Gulf of Guinea) as countries where were brought the slaves. There are 3 important and crucial dates mentioned: • 1500 - beggining of slave trade •1807 - first law against the slave trade •1980 -abolition of all slave trades. In Africa the slave trade caused wars and a violent demographic impact and then it lost also workforce because the principle slaves were young people around 16 and it changed also tribal balances. Instead, in America black people were discriminated and nowadays, the modern world is based on slave trade for economic and political reason.
1. HISTORICAL PERIOD: The slave trade began in the 16th century, when the Portuguese went to Africa for the trade of gold and ivory and lasted until the 19th century.
2. GEOGRAPHICAL AREAS AND COUNTRIES INTERESTED IN THE PHENOMENON OF THE SLAVE TRADE: The trafficking involved people and nations from all continents, in particular North America, which was once a British colony, the Netherlands, France, England, France and Portugal to a lesser extent. The phenomenon mainly focused on the African continent.
3. CRUCIAL DATES: 1807: Abolition of trafficking by the United Kingdom.
1980: Definitive abolition worldwide.
4. CONSEQUENCES OF TRAFFICKING IN AFRICA: The consequences of trafficking in Africa were the death of millions of people, the destruction of societies and cities and the extinction of important materials such as gold and ivory.
5. CONSEQUENCES OF THE "HISTORICAL MISUNDERSTANDING" FOR THE USA: Development of vast agricultural areas in the Americas, mining and industrialization of the continent.
1)The historical period of slave trade characterises 1600 and 1700.
2)The countries involved in the slave trade are : England, Spain, Portugal, Holland, North America, French and Spain colonies and Africa.
3)The importants dates are:
•1807 = Abolition of the Slave Trade.It was an act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom prohibiting the slave trade in the British Empire.
•1861= The American Civil War. The war began as a resault of the long-standing controversy over the enslavement of black people.
4)The consequences in Africa were:
•Violent demographic impact;
•Change of tribal balances;
•Intern political instability got worse;
•Loss of workforce.
5)The consequence for the historical misunderstanding was the Civil War in 1861. America born with philosophical and politics principles of freedom and independence but was based on slave labour.
1) The historical period of the slave trade is the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
2) The countries affected by the slave trade phenomenon are Africa, North America, Spanish and Portuguese colonies, French, Dutch, English and Arab.
3) In 1807 England declared the trafficking of blacks illegal. In 1861 there was the civil war in America.
4) The demographic impact was violet, also changed the tribal balances which complicated the already existing conflicts by accentuating international political instabilities. It led to the lack of evolution of some tribes and an upheaval of relations between Africa and Europe. In addition, Africa lost most of its workforce.
5) The consequence of the "historical misunderstanding" was the civil war of 1861 in America. The modern world rests on the slave trade for political and economic reasons.
Geographical areas and countries: from Africa with Golfo di Guinea to North and South America, Red Sea for Arab Slavery in the IX century. Countries: Uk, France, America, Spain, Holland, Portugal.
Important dates: 1471 Dutch in Africa to trade, 1500 began the slave trade, 1807 first law condemning slavery.
Effects on Africa: destroyed social and political balances, demographic impact, relations between Africa and Europe, lose a lot of workers.
Effects on USA: discriminations against black people, wealth and economic power through trade.
historical period: from 1492 onwards, precisely in the 18th and 19th centuries
geographical areas and countries concerned: the main colonizing countries were England, Portugal, Spain, Holland and France. The main country that received the slaves was North America, however some were also brought to South America
crucial dates: 1807 law prohibiting the slave trade in England, 1980 definitively abolished the slave trade
consequences in Africa: consumption of materials such as gold and ivory, wars encouraged by the colonizers, depopulation of Africa
consequences in America: slaves were discriminated against
historical period: the slave trade started in 1471 when the Portuguese invaded Africa but it continued throughout the centuries until 1807 when trading slaves became illegal.
areas and countries involved in the trade: USA, England, Africa, France, Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands
important dates: 1807-the slave trade became illegal, 1471-the Portuguese invaded Africa, 1500-the trade began, 1773-suppression of the Jesuits
consequences in Africa: social balance is disrupted, confusion and conflicts between different ethnic groups, pronounced political instabilities, violent demographic impact, loss of workforce because slaves were usually young (between 16 and 25 years old)
The historical period of slave trade is 1600 and 1700
The countries involved in the slave trade are Portugal, Spain England, French and Spain colonies and Africa.
gulf of Guinea was called gulf of slaves
a lot of slaves try to escape, in vain
women were raped
europe received goods that were worked from slaves. europeans asked a lot of sugar
when slaves were on boats and there wasn't water, they were thrown alive into the sea
in 1807 the slave trade was defined illegitimate
there are consequences of this situation, like instability of politic
social conflictes have an impact until our days, because discrimination continue
1. Historical period: we are in the 18th century, when the slave trade is a widespread phenomenon.
2. African slaves land in the English, Spanish and Portuguese colonies. This route is made by French, English, Portuguese and Dutch
3. The crucial dates are: 1500>When the Portuguese arrive, they enter the premises in warehouses; later, in the 8th century, they became prisons; 1680-1780> there are 15 million deaths among men, women and children; 1773> the Jesuits were dissolved by the Church, this 'utlima had taken a neutral position; 1807> The slave trade was declared illegitimate
4. The consequences of this situation were: -internal social imbalance, which has confused relations between local ethnic groups -white men breaking into the black continent -violent demographic impact: tribal balances change, accentuating political instability
5.The consequences of the historical event were that blacks continued to be discriminated against and trafficking continued to be a source of enrichment.
1. HISTORICAL TIMES: Ancient history, Middle Age, Reinassance, Age of Enlightenment, First Industrial Revolution, French Revolution, Restoration and Colonialism.
Europa, Americas = North, Central, South; Asia = Arabian Peninsula; Africa = Gulf of Guinea.
UK, Mauretania, France, Spain, Portugal, Holland, Somalia.
IX century A.D. = Zang’s Revolution
1492 = Discover of America
1500 = starts the Slave Trade
1754 = John Cary pubblicies his book History of United Kingdom’s Trade
1769 = maximun expansion of Slave Trade
1773 = the order of Jesuits are dispanded by the Vatican
1807 = abolition of slavery in Uk
1980 = in Mauretania’s territories is abolited the slavery
• tribal and political conflictes increased and they’ve continued until today
• social conflictes have an impact until these days = badly richness and power distribution between the people = they can’t establish their own democratic country, in fact more often this type of countries are led by a military-dictator or a spiritual guide
• backwardness of African mainland = during the Colonialism didn’t take modernism in the colonial areas and, today these countries have weak Economic plans
• the USA are a result of an indipendece war from Uk = USA were one of its colony
• althought they were born as a free country and they still are one of the most free counties of the world = they are the most racist country
• their wealthness = a lot of slaves = manpower, especially in the American South Countries, where there were big plantations
• a civil war between North and South was caused by racism and slavery → North American Countries = against slavery manpower, South American Countries = pro slavery manpower → the American Civil war winners were the North Countries = abolition of slavery = white men had and still today have more rights of black men = however racism continues to exist
1)we know that the slave trade began as early as Ancient Greece, and occurred over the centuries until the early 1800s. Slaves deported to America were 14/20 million. 2) the geographic areas that contributed most to trafficking were France, North America, England, Spain, Portugal and Holland and the slaves frequently were of African and Eastern origin.
3) 1,500 Portuguese warehouses are filled by black people. 1769 in America the slave trade spreads About 1800 The Church takes note of the slave trade 1807 England declares illegitimate towards the slave trade.
4) The African social balance was broken because of the white population, and still suffers today.
5)America was born out of a war of independence, anti-colonial, founder of modern democracy and supporter of human rights, but despite this they supported the slave trade.
1. The historical period of slave trade began in the 16th century and and ended in the 19th century
2. The geographic areas concerned were Africa, Portugal, Spain, France, England, Holland and North and South America
3. Crucial dates:
• 1807, when trafficking was banned by the British government
• 1861, American civil war
• 1980, definitive abolition of slave trade
4. The consequences in Africa due to the slave trade were a decimation of populations, depletion of raw materials and destruction of tribal balances. Also there was a loss of workforce
5. Consequences of historical misunderstanding was that black people continue to be discriminated and the slave trade was used for enrichment
The historical period of the slave trade began in 1500 and ended in 1807 the geographical areas mainly concerned 3 countinents: Europe. Africa and North America while the most interested colonizing countries were: England, Portugal, Spain, Holland and France There are 4 important dates in this time frame: 1471: The Portuguese arrived in Africa for trade
1500 The slave trade begins
1770 Diderot wrote the first book on the slave trade
1807 England passed a law that declared slavery illegal.
The consequences of this period in Africa were consumption of materials, the alterations of the tribal balance, the lack of evolution societies the Joss of the workforce and colonialism.
The effects on America were the change in the principles of freedom and independence for all. In fact. it supported the exploitation of slaves which led the war of indipendence 1861
1. Slavery has always existed in history.
With the discovery of America colonialism begins and it is in this period that the trading of slaves
increases so much that in 1500 begins the so-called slave trade.
Between 600-700 is the full period of the slave trade.
During the 16th to the 18th centuries was“the peak slave- trade era.”
2. Slaves were sold by African states (from the Kingdom of the Congo and by states that overlooked the
Gulf of Guinea) to Western European merchants and then deported to the American continent.
Black slaves were taken from Africa and then brought to various European countries such as England
France Spain Portugal Holland or landed in North America (English colonies) or South America (Spanish
and Portuguese colonies).
The main European colonial powers were Spain, Portugal, England, France, the Netherlands.
One of the English cities that mostly imported slaves was Liverpool while one of the French cities was
A trade triangle is created between Europe, Africa and America.
3. 1471 the Portuguese arrived in Africa to trade gold and ivory.
In the 18th century the ships of the colonial powers sailed African waters to reach India.
1500 the slave trade begins
600-700 period of maximum operation of the slaves' trade.
1773 the religious group of the Jesuits is dissolved
1807 England defines trafficking as illegal, the first law prohibiting the slave trade.
1861 civil war breaks out in America.
4. The slave trade has produced serious consequences for Africa. First of all it broke the internal social
balance and confused the relations between the black ethnic groups. The invasion of white peoples on the
continent has altered African reality. Due to a violent demographic impact, tribal balances have changed,
complicating existing conflicts and accentuating internal political instabilities
Another consequence of the slave trade is the lack of evolution of some African societies, in fact in the
African continent there are still very backward human islands today.The slaves who were captured in
Africa were very young between the ages of 16-25 so Africa lost much of the workforce.
This trafficking prevented the stabilization between the various African states that could have occurred
between the weak and the strong. And so every balance was broken at the beginning. The colonization of
Africa reduced the whole state into slavery. Consequence that Africa continues to pay today.
5. The historical misconception on which we should reflect is that if we are in modernity today it is thanks
to the slave trade. The USA was born out of a revolution, an anti-colonial war of independence but
slavery remained stable in the United States especially in the southern states.
This will determine 65 years after a civil war. So America, that born on political and philosophical
principles of freedom and independence, rests on the misunderstanding of the presence of black slave
The USA is the most racist country in the world because discrimination against black people still occurs
today. Furthermore, the industrial revolution in the world is a revolution on textile machines, that is, machines more, the industrial revolution in the world is a revolution on textile machines, that is, machines
that used cotton collected from slaves and therefore cheap because they were collected by free labor.
The modern industrial world rests on the slave trade politically and economically.
In addition, in the past, the presence in the southern states of blacks gave the South American ruling class
a touch of aristocraticity; the richest in the south was who had more slaves on the plantations therefore
these slaves which were a negative symbol became a positive symbol on a social level.
1- Historical period: between the XVI and the XIX century.
2- The geographical areas and countries involved in the slave trade were England, Spain, Portugal, Holland, France, Africa and North and South America.
3- Crucial dates: the slave trade began around 1500, in 1807 the law abolished the slave trade in England, in 1861 there was the American civil war between the northern United States and the southern United States, in 1980 the slave trade was abolished worldwide.
4- Consequences in Africa: there was many wars and deaths that resulted in depopulation, resources of important materials such as gold and iron ran out, tribal balances were destroyed and there was a loss of workforce.
5- Consequences of the historical misunderstanding (USA): black people continued to be discriminated and the slave trade was used for economical reasons and enrichments.
The slave trade began in 1500 but in this video are dealt the XVIII and XIX centuries. During that time there were Portugal, Holland, France, Spain and England as colonizing countries and North America and South Africa ( with Gulf of Guinea) as countries where were brought the slaves. There are 3 important and crucial dates mentioned: • 1500 - beggining of slave trade •1807 - first law against the slave trade •1980 -abolition of all slave trades. In Africa the slave trade caused wars and a violent demographic impact and then it lost also workforce because the principle slaves were young people around 16 and it changed also tribal balances. Instead, in America black people were discriminated and nowadays, the modern world is based on slave trade for economic and political reason.
1. HISTORICAL PERIOD: The slave trade began in the 16th century, when the Portuguese went to Africa for the trade of gold and ivory and lasted until the 19th century.
2. GEOGRAPHICAL AREAS AND COUNTRIES INTERESTED IN THE PHENOMENON OF THE SLAVE TRADE: The trafficking involved people and nations from all continents, in particular North America, which was once a British colony, the Netherlands, France, England, France and Portugal to a lesser extent. The phenomenon mainly focused on the African continent.
3. CRUCIAL DATES: 1807: Abolition of trafficking by the United Kingdom.
1980: Definitive abolition worldwide.
4. CONSEQUENCES OF TRAFFICKING IN AFRICA: The consequences of trafficking in Africa were the death of millions of people, the destruction of societies and cities and the extinction of important materials such as gold and ivory.
5. CONSEQUENCES OF THE "HISTORICAL MISUNDERSTANDING" FOR THE USA: Development of vast agricultural areas in the Americas, mining and industrialization of the continent.
1)The historical period of slave trade characterises 1600 and 1700.
2)The countries involved in the slave trade are : England, Spain, Portugal, Holland, North America, French and Spain colonies and Africa.
3)The importants dates are:
•1807 = Abolition of the Slave Trade. It was an act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom prohibiting the slave trade in the British Empire.
•1861= The American Civil War. The war began as a resault of the long-standing controversy over the enslavement of black people.
4)The consequences in Africa were:
•Violent demographic impact;
•Change of tribal balances;
•Intern political instability got worse;
•Loss of workforce.
5)The consequence for the historical misunderstanding was the Civil War in 1861. America born with philosophical and politics principles of freedom and independence but was based on slave labour.
1) The historical period of the slave trade is the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
2) The countries affected by the slave trade phenomenon are Africa, North America, Spanish and Portuguese colonies, French, Dutch, English and Arab.
3) In 1807 England declared the trafficking of blacks illegal. In 1861 there was the civil war in America.
4) The demographic impact was violet, also changed the tribal balances which complicated the already existing conflicts by accentuating international political instabilities. It led to the lack of evolution of some tribes and an upheaval of relations between Africa and Europe. In addition, Africa lost most of its workforce.
5) The consequence of the "historical misunderstanding" was the civil war of 1861 in America. The modern world rests on the slave trade for political and economic reasons.
Historical period: XVI and XIX century.
Geographical areas and countries: from Africa with Golfo di Guinea to North and South America, Red Sea for Arab Slavery in the IX century. Countries: Uk, France, America, Spain, Holland, Portugal.
Important dates: 1471 Dutch in Africa to trade, 1500 began the slave trade, 1807 first law condemning slavery.
Effects on Africa: destroyed social and political balances, demographic impact, relations between Africa and Europe, lose a lot of workers.
Effects on USA: discriminations against black people, wealth and economic power through trade.
historical period: from 1492 onwards, precisely in the 18th and 19th centuries
geographical areas and countries concerned: the main colonizing countries were England, Portugal, Spain, Holland and France. The main country that received the slaves was North America, however some were also brought to South America
crucial dates: 1807 law prohibiting the slave trade in England, 1980 definitively abolished the slave trade
consequences in Africa: consumption of materials such as gold and ivory, wars encouraged by the colonizers, depopulation of Africa
consequences in America: slaves were discriminated against