Soluzioni pag. 55 "Body Language Mistakes"
n.1 Vocabulary: 1d, 2f, 3a, 4c, 5e, 6b
n. 2 Comprehension:
1F (In Asia a strong handshake is considered overpowering)
2F (Direct eye contact sometimes creates a sense of trust, but it may be sometimes considered aggressive)
4F (It is sometimes rude to show the bottoms of your feet)
Mi scusi per il ritardo
Work made by Nicoleta Namaconov.
Presentazione fatta da sola, Fabris Ilaria.
Lavoro di Pittarella, Santello e Toffano
Lavoro di Ulema e Strippoli Presentazione fatta da sola, Ioana Hrostea
Lavoro fatto da Matteo Vian e Pietro Bonandini
n. 3 a pag. 46
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Soluzioni pag. 43
n. 1
1. value for money
2. repeat sales
3. build costumer profiles
4. advertising tools
5. target market
n. 2
1. It identifies, anticipates and satisfies the needs of the customer
2. Because they only consume the product (holiday, tour, flight, etc.) for a specific period of time
3. Because they can target them correctly and make sure their products are suitable
4. Verbally, via radio adverts for example, and visually, via brochures, internet sites etc.
5. By sharing their experiences with family, friends and on social media
n. 3 (students' own answers)
n. 4
1. understand the tourist's experiences in Cardiff
2. create a tourist profile
3. why people visit
4. if people enjoyed their visit
Soluzioni pag. 40 n. 2 "Vocabulary from the Unit"
1. drops you off;
2. book the clients into;
3. looking forward;
4. gets in;
5. get off;
6. set off;
7. held up;
8. get out;
9. fill in;
10. check out